
Lee Shelby - The True Cost of Overlooking Safety - Original Video (45 min.)

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In the compelling video “The True Cost of Overlooking Safety,” motivational safety speaker and occupational injury survivor Lee Shelby shares his life-altering experience. After coming into contact with over 13,200 volts of electricity, he lost both hands, profoundly impacting him and his family for a lifetime. Lee's candid discussion of his accident, recovery, and the challenges he faced deeply resonates with viewers, elevating safety awareness to new heights.

Meet Lee Shelby, Motivational Keynote Safety Speaker and Occupational Injury Survivor from Charles Morecraft on Vimeo.

Presentation Objectives:

  • Develop a new mindset for personal safety.
  • Understand how shortcuts, complacency, and distractions can lead to serious injury or death.
  • Uncover the hidden consequences of accidents on your life and family.
  • Strive for an accident-free workplace by taking personal responsibility for your safety and the safety of others.
  • Recognize that safety is a daily commitment.

If you have ever attended a safety meeting at work, you’ve likely seen demonstrations and videos on safety procedures. However, Lee will make you understand why you should listen and be responsible for yourself and your co-workers. Through his live presentations, Lee has helped thousands of people grasp the importance of staying focused, eliminating distractions, and not taking shortcuts. Both he and his story are unforgettable! This is a must-have video for your safety orientation arsenal.