Safety Presentations with Motivational Safety Speaker Scott Burrows

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Safety Presentations with Motivational Safety Speaker Scott Burrows

We are proud to have Scott Burrows, Motivational Safety Speaker, as part of our speaker’s team!

Scott Burrows Biography

Scott Burrows is a motivational safety speaker who brings the concepts of Vision, Mindset and Grit to life using his life-changing story as the backdrop for organizational success. Three simple, yet powerful words that when put into action can help your organization stand up to any challenge.

By the age of 19, Scott played college football at Florida State University for legendary coach Bobby Bowden and was a top-ranked kick-boxing Black Belt champion whose last fight was broadcast by ESPN. Scott’s life changed dramatically when he survived a catastrophic car accident that left him paralyzed from the chest down and diagnosed a quadriplegic. Told he would be confined to a wheelchair for the rest of his life, Scott realized his split-second decision to not wear a seat belt had altered his course forever.

Despite his grim diagnosis, Scott astounded his doctors and refused to be sidelined. After graduating with a degree in Finance, Scott served as a Financial Advisor. At the pinnacle of his career, Scott experienced yet another setback, a second automobile accident. Although buckled in this time, new injuries forced him to RE-evaluate, RE-invent and once again RE-ignite his life by practicing what he preaches.

During his nine month recovery, Scott reminisced about the overcoming adversity speakers he heard at sales and leadership conferences. Their life-changing stories inspire others to chase their dreams, regardless of obstacles or barriers. That’s when Scott decided he would make the tough decision to leave an industry he had so much passion and success in to pursue a speaking career that has taken him around the world.


#1 – Develop an Unstoppable Mindset: Success Strategies for Safety Teams & Supervisors

Told while using his own physical paralysis as a metaphor and blending eloquent storytelling with humor and crowd interaction, Scott leaves audiences captivated, inspired and ready to take action. Scott will impact your team by encouraging awareness, better day-to-day safety decisions and changing the way your employees view and approach their jobs. Listeners will walk away embracing workplace safety protocols as opposed to resisting or ignoring them.

With the alarming predominance of workplace accidents caused by human error, the importance of engaging teams and individuals with safety procedures in a way that is meaningful to them and can promote significant change is crucial. Scott details his unforgettable, life-changing story of turning a paralyzing setback into a powerful comeback that inspires teams to develop a true safety MINDSET. Scott details how easy it is to become desensitized to common safety routines, and how ‘just this once’ can tragically impact the rest of their lives.

  • Examine the safety Mindset of poise, execution and non-resistance
  • Learn how to create a clear Vision that entices your employees to follow safety procedures and promotes accountability for their teammates
  • Understand how forgiveness, a leadership trait, increases employee engagement and leads to greater safety protocol adherence
  • Find out how asking the ‘what’ questions can get you thinking differently and help prevent accidents in the workplace
  • Discover how to not let your mindset become your biggest handicap to increase productivity
  • Cultivate ways to unlock your Grit that can improve safety performance

 #2 – The Mindset of Safety for Supervisors

In this impactful leadership safety presentation, Scott teaches supervisors how to inspire teams to make better safety decisions while staying focused on a shared company vision that will lower your recordables.

Frontline safety supervisors are the linchpin for an effective safety culture and responsible for creating an environment that embraces self-awareness, accountability and non-resistance. In the midst of analyzing hazard investigations, regulatory requirements, training and maintaining a safe work environment, it is easy to lose focus, and harder still to find the daily grit to persevere in an ever-changing environment.

  • What can I do to lead by example that will demonstrate my investment in individual team members and help educate workers that even a minor accident can have a devastating effect on everyone?
  • What can I do to encourage a shared responsibility in team members to not only follow individual procedures, but to ensure teammates are also demonstrating safe behaviors in the workplace?
  • What can I do today to positively reinforce safety compliance through encouragement and reward, rather than merely negative consequences after an accident has occurred?
  • What can I do to encourage my co-workers to make better safety decisions that will safeguard company protocols so they are not overlooked by management and fellow workers?

#3 – Fleet Safety: Peak Performance Strategies for Drivers

Nothing delivers the importance of safety better than a compelling personal story. Neuroscience studies confirm storytelling illuminates parts of the brain that are only active when a listener actually experiences something – triggering their imagination, engaging them with a deep emotional response and sealing it into subconscious memory. With these areas of the brain activated and connected by a physical and emotional response, memory retention has been shown to be up to 7 times more effective than training through facts and figures.

With vehicular accidents costing employers $60 billion per year in property damage, legal and medical expense as well as the loss of worker productivity, employee training and development will always be the key factor in keeping drivers safe, while also protecting your companies’ bottom line.

Key Program Takeaways:

  • Understand the method for creating a laser-focused mindset that will help drivers minimize road distractions and heighten awareness
  • Learn how to communicate a shared company vision that will impact drivers to take safety seriously
  • Discover adaptation strategies that will increase employee buy-in and crush resistance to safety protocols
Book presentation