Lee Shelby - Accident Survivor, Keynote Safety Speaker, Motivational Speaker
After coming in to contact with over 13,200 volts of electricity causing the loss of both hands, he never lost the will to live an inspired life. Today, he empowers people around the world through his interactive, educational, and heartfelt conviction. Lee has the unique ability to combine humor, compassion, and authority to convey his message that safety is an absolute priority.
Lee Shelby Keynote Safety Speaker, Accident Survivor, Occupational Injury Survivor
Two Time #1 Best Selling Author (“No Hands and No Excuses”) & (“Consequences”)
Insights from an Occupational Injury Survivor: Unveiling the True Cost of Overlooking Safety
Lee Shelby’s story about a work-related accident has the ability to deeply impact an audience and is ideal for inspirational, motivational and safety awareness speaking engagements. If you have ever sat through a safety meeting at your work, you will see demonstrations and videos on safety procedures, but Lee will cause you to understand why you should listen and be responsible for yourself and your co-workers. Lee has helped thousands of people understand the importance of staying focused, eliminating distractions, and not taking shortcuts through his live presentations. Both he and his story are unforgettable.
Outcome for audience
- A new mindset about personal safety
- Take responsibility for own actions and “Be our brother’s keeper.”
- Don’t think safety is someone else’s responsibility.
- Make a new commitment to safety every day.
- Don’t be afraid to tell someone they are about to do something wrong.
- Strive for an accident-free workplace environment.
See Lee in action:
Lee Shelby - Safety Speaker - CharlieMorecraft.com from Charles Morecraft on Vimeo.
Lee Shelby’s Presentation: The True Cost of Overlooking Safety
Through interactive, educational, and heartfelt conviction, Lee Shelby combines humor, compassion, and authority to convey his message that safety is an absolute priority. In his presentation, he illuminates his audience about the consequences of occupational injuries and how they are far reaching beyond the individual.
Through his personal story of “Triumph Over Tragedy,” he relates his own occupational injury, his recovery from work, and the challenges he has faced in such a way that will change the hearts and minds of everyone who attends.
- Create a new mindset for personal safety Understand how shortcuts, complacency, and distractions can lead to serious injury or death.
- Uncover the hidden consequences of how accidents affect your life and your family.
- Strive for an accident-free workplace by learning to take personal responsibility for yoursafety and the safety of others.
- Understanding safety is a daily commitment.
To schedule Lee Shelby's enlightening presentation, please contact our office at (844) 731-2396, email us at info@safetyhse.com, or complete the form below.